Friday, December 19, 2008

I hate mornings like this

Some mornings are like clockwork.. today not so much.. Zach met me with defiance the whole time .. There isn't lots of time to get ready for school ..I get him up by 6 and he needs to be ready for the bus by 7:15. He gets so grumpy when I push him along but if one doesn't stay firm on you need to keep moving he will loose himself in his room.
It ends up being a battle of wills.. he gets mouthy and dumps it all as my fault life is the way it is..It ends up getting loud and I end up feeling icky ... He needs to be ready by 7:15 the bus is to be here at that time ... his arguement is it hasn't been on time all week why do I need to hurry for something that is always 10 to 15 mn late.He is a kid who follows schedules like clockwork and if something gets off schedule it makes everything tumble down.
Once we get the battle over .... he then returns to the sweet boy I know .

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Today has been fairly uneventful have been good..I read a friends blog who she always inspires me .. I read her blog daily to see into her world of several adopted kids and the trials of it all.. I always leave wanting be better .. . to reach out and help other families ...
It gets me all stirred up inside

Thursday, December 4, 2008

It's Christmas time again... last year was a pretty crazy place here Liza was so sick and we were running all the time with her.

While life has settled down some .. there is still lots of stress .. but we are still in a better place then what we where.